Free test drive at home

How convenient is it if you can try out your potential company car from your own home? It is possible at Eurocars. With our 'test drive at home' service, we come to you in the company car you have in mind and you can try it out in your own environment.
While you are taking the test drive, our advisor will be waiting for you outside. When you return, you can ask any questions you may have. Do you want to trade in a (company) car? Then we will appraise it while you are on the road. That way, you will know immediately what amount you will get back for your old (company) car.

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Schedule my test drive at home

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The conditions for making a test drive at home

Taking a test drive at home is completely without obligation. To ensure that everything goes well, we ask the following of you:

  •  You will be gone for a maximum of 45 minutes
  • You give us a copy of your driver's license
  • You obey the traffic rules

Plan your test drive at home now without any worries.

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