Purchasing a company car can be too big an investment at once. A good way to spread that investment is by financially leasing the company car. But what exactly does financial leasing entail? And what are the advantages of financial leasing? In this blog we will answer all these questions, so that you are well informed before you make a decision.

How does financial leasing work? 

Financial lease is a form of financing, where you actually buy a car on credit. This form of lease is often used as an alternative to a loan or credit from a bank. You agree on a term in advance and pay a fixed amount per month for the duration of the contract. In this case, you immediately become the economic owner of the company car, while the leasing company remains the legal owner of the vehicle during the contract. As soon as the lease contract expires and the full lease amount has been paid off, you are the full owner of the company car.

Benefits of a financial lease company car

Financial leasing a company car offers several advantages over buying a company car. For example, it has the following advantages:

  • Low monthly costs – Financial leasing offers lower monthly costs than a bank loan
  • Flexibility – Leasing allows companies to easily respond to changes in the market
  • Spread the costs – Leasing allows companies to spread the costs of purchasing a vehicle, so that a large investment does not have to be made all at once
  • Avoid risks – Leasing the vehicle avoids the risks associated with purchasing a vehicle
  • No down payment – Financial lease does not require a down payment
  • Tax benefits – Financial leasing offers various tax benefits, including investment and interest deductions and VAT recovery 
  • No liquidity risk – Financial leasing offers the opportunity to strengthen the company's financial positions

Eurocars Commercial Vehicles: Financial lease

Financial lease therefore offers many advantages for companies that want to purchase a company car. You benefit from low monthly payments, various tax advantages and more flexibility than when buying a company car directly. In addition, financial lease also offers you the opportunity to postpone the purchase of your company car, so that you can use your capital for other business purposes. In short, financial leasing a company car is an excellent option when you need a company car!

Are you completely convinced after reading this blog? Then take a look at our financial lease offer here. Visit this page if you would like to read more about financial leasing at Eurocars Commercial Vehicles.

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